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Parish Care

Our mission is to love, support, and bless our parish family by caring for them through life's joys and challenges.

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Eucharistic Visitors

Lay Eucharistic Visitors take the Holy Eucharist to Good Shepherd parishioners who are in the hospital, nursing homes or are homebound. 

Prayer Team

Our Good Shepherd Prayer Team meets monthly but prays without ceasing for those in our parish family who have requested prayers for themselves, their family, and friends.

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Volunteers will provide rides to church, rides to medical procedures, and will pick up medication for home bound parishioners.

Comfort Meals

The Good Shepherd Comfort Meals Ministry organizes volunteers who are willing to provide meals to those in our parish family who need assistance at home while recuperating.

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Health and Wellness

Serves the needs of the individual, congregation, and community to achieve optimum wellness of mind, body, and spirit. Parish Nurse: Takes blood pressure readings, coordinates health screenings, and organizes educational programs.

End of Life Planning

Decisions about end-of-life care are deeply personal, and Good Shepherd is available to you and your loved ones to assist you in your End of Life Planning needs, including pre-planning funeral and burial arrangements,

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Grief Recovery

Grief is the normal and natural reaction to significant loss of any kind. Resources are available at Good Shepherd to help you navigate what is a painful and lonely journey.

Mailbox Ministry

We celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, grieve with our parish family when they experience a loss, rejoice at special times of our lives. Look in your mailbox!  You may find a special card sent by the Mailbox Ministry!

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Contact Us

1115 Center Rd, Venice, FL 34292, USA


Phone: (941) 497-7286


©2024 by The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

Website Design by Magic Moment Studios

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