"Stay joined to me, and I will stay joined to you. Just as a branch cannot produce fruit unless it stays joined to the vine, you cannot produce fruit unless you stay joined to me. I am the vine, and you are the branches." John 15:4-5

Our parish website can be found at
The website contains everything you might want to know about Good Shepherd – who we are, what we believe, our ministries, our liturgy, written weekly sermons and podcasts, member directory and calendar of events.
Weekly Email News Blast
Every Wednesday morning, the Good Shepherd Weekly Email Blast - The Heart of the Shepherd - arrives in your inbox! This communication includes all the news about our services and activities, the lectionary readings for the upcoming Sunday, links to important documents on our website, a video chat from Fr Joe, and much more. A Sunday news blast provides links to our live streamed services.

Facebook & YouTube
Be sure to “like” us on our Facebook page –
Good Shepherd Episcopal Church. Here you will find lots of pictures and information about activities at Good Shepherd. On our YouTube Channel – Good Shepherd Episcopal Church Venice FL – you will find all our live streamed and special videos created since March of 2020.
Stream Team - Technology
With the COVID 19 pandemic – beginning in March 2020 – our Stream Team used their technology expertise to begin making our services available through live streaming. This became a lifeline for our Good Shepherd family during the pandemic. We now realize that this technology is a major way of reaching out, not only to our parish family near and far, but to our community as well. Our goal is to reach every person who wishes to participate in our worship services and other events. This is the Way of Love!

Media Liaison
You will frequently see photos of Good Shepherd in the local newspapers – The Herald Tribune and the Venice Gondolier Sun. Our Media Liaison makes sure that activities at Good Shepherd are communicated to our surrounding communities.