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Buildings & Grounds

“The land belongs to God.  God is the ultimate owner but has delegated stewardship to his image bearers. He has called them to dominion or rulership over all he has made."  (Genesis 1:26-28).

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Good Shepherd Facilities

The Buildings and Grounds Commission of the Vestry are the dedicated parish family members  who are the stewards of the operation and care of  our church buildings, property, monuments, parking facilities, signage, and Memorial Garden.

Our Junior Warden, along with our part-time sexton and a group of very willing and capable volunteers are dedicated to the beauty and efficient function of our parish environment.

All Saints Memorial Garden

The vision for the All Saints Memorial Garden was to provide a simple, dignified space for the interment of cremated remains of loved ones of the Good Shepherd parish family


The central focus of the garden is a stone altar with a waterfall flowing into a pool beneath – reminding us of the water of Holy Baptism.  Benches and a gazebo were added to provide a space for meditation, reflection and peace.

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The beautiful garden is maintained year-round by a team of volunteers from the parish.  They plant, prune, water and tend to the needs of the garden through each season of the year. 


The placement of plants, flowers, statuary and other objects is done solely by the All Saints Memorial Garden Committee.  That committee is responsible ultimately to approval by the Good Shepherd Vestry.

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